View Full Version : Nasal drip

25th September 2020, 12:26
Okay, this is a weird one, but I have suffered from this for many years. The cold air certainly triggers it, but also I get it really badly when I am at work, it doesn’t drip all over the floor, it sort of trickles and makes my skin on the inside of nose nose really sore and split open.

Weirdly, I’m not alone at work with this problem, and my friend recommended I use an allergy nasal spray, but honestly, I don’t want to use this daily for 6 months of the year, I think the long term affects of these are damaging to my nose and airway passages.

Are there any recommendations for alternatives? I’m guessing this is some sort of allergic reaction to my environment, and changing jobs is not an option.

At the moment, a put a dollop of savlon cream up my nose to ease the pain. :worked_till_5am:

26th September 2020, 07:18
Antihistamines would be the obvious choice, I don’t know of a natural alternative to antihistamine.

Sounds crazy, but couldn’t you just put a little cotton wool up your nose to prevent the leak from becoming sore? :rugby:

26th September 2020, 09:41
Antihistamines would be the obvious choice, I don’t know of a natural alternative to antihistamine.

Sounds crazy, but couldn’t you just put a little cotton wool up your nose to prevent the leak from becoming sore? :rugby:

I’m not sure putting cotton wool up your nose is a good idea, one hard sniff and it could get lodged up there. You won’t have a drip anymore though!

27th September 2020, 08:52

This may work :sly:

27th September 2020, 18:47
If find this every winter I seem to be permanently wiping my nose and I look like Rudolph!

1st October 2020, 19:08
You can buy a natural wax that you put just up your nostrils and this can trap the particles that irritate you, or that you are sensitively.

6th October 2020, 09:26
Have you tried a salt water pipe? These are the little things that you fill with salt water and then sniff or pour into your sinuses, to help clear them out.

I have never tried these, or seen them in use, but they are an alternative option for treating a nasal drip.

6th October 2020, 18:24
I don’t think anything works, I seem to have a completely free nose with no stuffiness at all and then I go outside in the cold and it runs like a tap!