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20th September 2020, 07:08
Let me first start by stating that I am not talking about the Movement ideology, I don’t think there is any question that we should all be on an equal footing.

My question is related to the small group of individuals who are the founders of the BLM slogan, that have received millions in funding. Before you jump on me, I ask you this, what are the names of any of the founders and what is their message, without looking it up on the internet?

If you don’t know, then that is my point in question! These women have been happy to accept millions in funding, with absolutely no accountability as to how that money is spent to actually help Black communities. These woman are not in the media standing up for the movement they started, explaining how they themselves are transforming communities.

Personally, I do not think they are worthy to receive this money, and I certainly think they should be accountable and open about how this money is being spent!

20th September 2020, 13:14
I have no idea who are the founder members of BLM or that they earn millions off the back of it. I think there are those people who genuinely care that black lives matter but also a huge amount of people who attend the rallies to cause trouble.

20th September 2020, 13:43
I am not surprised at all that there are people hiding at the top making millions out of this cause but putting nothing into it. I have to say I don’t even mention the phrase Black Lives Matter because as a white British person I get slammed whatever I say!

20th September 2020, 16:41
I think they are three woman that have university educations and work on the speaking circuits earning a fortune! Good for them for raising the profile of Black people’s plight, but It would be nice to see AND hear from them about how they are spending they money given to the charity and how it is helping the Black communities. The last I read, a lot of money was going towards defence lawyers :doh

22nd September 2020, 06:55
I think they are three woman that have university educations and work on the speaking circuits earning a fortune! Good for them for raising the profile of Black people’s plight, but It would be nice to see AND hear from them about how they are spending they money given to the charity and how it is helping the Black communities. The last I read, a lot of money was going towards defence lawyers :doh

Who are these people because in all the protests and rallies I have never seen these people at the top. It’s the usual thing that they make a fortune off the backs of the very people they claim to be protecting, it make my blood boil :mad-new:

22nd September 2020, 18:42
The only thing I see is that they are not fronting their own cause, in fact I very rarely see the Black communities fighting for this, it seems to be a bunch of white folk out to cause disruption.

The cause is worthy, however, I do not think the people collecting the money are worthy!

24th September 2020, 05:35
I think it amazing what they have achieved, their movement is world renowned in such a small time!

24th September 2020, 19:17
I think they have achieved something for the moment but how do you know that prejudice is not still going on behind closed doors? I think for the regular person on the street they have achieved nothing, it’s only the media that have shown to make a difference!

25th September 2020, 10:53
I think that it is worthy in the fact it has made a difference in the world, it is changing perceptions and making people realise the inequalities that go on in everyday lives. I think that providing the money that has been paid to the BLM cause is accountable, and put to good use to support the Black communities through education projects and projects and community projects then I think it is definitely a worthy cause.

I am personally vehemently against the violence, the aggression and bullying that has been reported around the world. But, I would like to believe that these ‘few’ do not speak or represent the many.

I understand that sometimes disruption has to be caused to be heard, and maybe that has been needed to a point, but surely, now is the time when we must start to all rebuild and come together and live united.

25th September 2020, 16:44
It has given the BAME community a voice, of course it is a worthy cause!

29th September 2020, 17:40
It is a massive step forward for black people