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16th September 2020, 21:02
So, just for clarity on the latest guidance if you are an adult and have symptoms you should isolate and get a test, if you are a child at school and have symptoms, you should continue to go to school, get a test and then isolate if you have a confirmed test which takes bout 3 days if you’re lucky! :doh

Meanwhile..... :ne_nau:

I’m glad the period after the peak the government had time to get its act into gear and prepare for the second wave.
Did the advisors not realise this would happen upon children returning to school in the Autumn, after being locked away with a reduced immunity?

17th September 2020, 05:47
The messages that have been put out by the government during this pandemic have been shocking, but certainly forgivable in the early months, I think the country will be less forgiving going forward through the winter!

I understand the advice given by the government on school children with symptoms, in terms of trying to keep schools functioning, But if you look at this in terms of a ‘deadly virus’ which is what has been touted, surely it is not reasonable to expect children to continue to infect others if they are symptomatic, kids are not known to be the most hygienic of humans!

17th September 2020, 12:43
I have to admit, very wrongly, but the whole Covid-debarkle has me not caring about any of it, or really taking it seriously! I mean, how can a person expect to take this seriously when households are not allowed to mix, but you can go to the pub or a restaurant.

So basically, if you want to see your family invite them out to a public area where more people are mingling!!!

17th September 2020, 17:38
I have found that people are just not interested anymore and have no intentions of obeying the new rules. None of it makes any sense. Why limit people to 6 but leave bars and restaurants open and college etc where there are huge amounts of people mixing :grumpy::grumpy::grief::nonchalance:

17th September 2020, 18:09
Unfortunately, following the last strict lockdown, which ultimately led to an unleashing of the virus once people started interacting again, (which was always expected, by everyone except anyone working or advising Government), people, including myself will see no pint in locking down for anytime, let alone two or three weeks, surely the evidence proves, this does not contain the virus, it simply delays the overall outcome, many people will get it, some will be poorly, some will die. Much the same as any flu year.

20th September 2020, 13:17
So, just for clarity on the latest guidance if you are an adult and have symptoms you should isolate and get a test, if you are a child at school and have symptoms, you should continue to go to school, get a test and then isolate if you have a confirmed test which takes bout 3 days if you’re lucky! :doh

Meanwhile..... :ne_nau:

I’m glad the period after the peak the government had time to get its act into gear and prepare for the second wave.
Did the advisors not realise this would happen upon children returning to school in the Autumn, after being locked away with a reduced immunity?
If you are in school and develop symptoms you are asked to go home and take a test and the whole family must self isolate until they get a negative result. They are not allowed into school until they shoe a negative test result.

23rd September 2020, 18:59
Unfortunately, following the last strict lockdown, which ultimately led to an unleashing of the virus once people started interacting again, (which was always expected, by everyone except anyone working or advising Government), people, including myself will see no pint in locking down for anytime, let alone two or three weeks, surely the evidence proves, this does not contain the virus, it simply delays the overall outcome, many people will get it, some will be poorly, some will die. Much the same as any flu year.

I totally agree with you Joy, we have to get on with it because in winter we are going to see more flu and colds and like you said a lockdown just delays the spread only for it to return when you try to get back to normal.

24th September 2020, 05:37
I think people should start isolating if they really feel the need to, they shouldn’t wait for a government directive. I think there will be a lot of infections this year, but I will say, I don’t see much in the way of the government dishing out health information about how to boost your immunity, eat well, etc