View Full Version : Immune system benefit

13th September 2020, 16:20
As we rapidly head into the depths of Autumn and then winter, with unknown viruses about to attack us, I have been looking at ways in which I can naturally boost my immune system and along with the usual medley of diet inputs, including elderberry and echinacea I came across the importance of Chiropractic care on improving your immune system.

I wrongly believed that chiropractic care was Purely for those people that had hurt their back, neck, hip etc in some way. It never crossed my mind that is could be used to balance us and improve our functioning system, in this case, our immune system.

In fact over a 5 year period of regular chiropractic care your immune system can be boosted by 200%, I have to admit, I have not seem a reference to what is classed as regular, but maybe someone else can shed light on that! :ne_nau:

This improvement and boost is all to do with keeping the body in balance and allowing a healthy feed back loop from our nerves to our brain. When this feedback is compromised in some way the message being sent can be altered in some way, potentially leading to ill health!

Apparently, there is a strong link between our nervous system and our immune system. I’m sorry I can’t tell you more, but it may give you food for thought and encourage you to seek out alternative ways to boost your health!

13th September 2020, 17:38
Interesting reading, I thought you went to a chiropractor for a bad back too.

15th September 2020, 20:53
Is this chiropractor care linked to the vagus nerve, I know there is a connection between the vagus and your immune system, so it would make sense that Chiropractic care would have some effect on this too.

16th September 2020, 18:20
I think this is great but a visit to a chiropractor is not cheap and if regular visits are required I think the cost would outweigh the benefits. Cheaper alternatives are available to boost your immune system in my opinion.

17th September 2020, 06:11
I think this is great but a visit to a chiropractor is not cheap and if regular visits are required I think the cost would outweigh the benefits. Cheaper alternatives are available to boost your immune system in my opinion.

But surely an alternative may be in the form of a supplement, which will undoubtedly have side effects.

17th September 2020, 17:40
The cost is the side effect with the chiropractor I think so there are pros and cons with everything