View Full Version : Spiritually - a sense of purpose

12th September 2020, 17:58
I couldn’t help notice on the Wellness wheel that spirituality was part of being considered Well, and this included a sense of purpose.

I was asked by a friend once, what I thought their strengths and weaknesses were :doh because they were trying to find their purpose in life! He worked, had a family, but clearly felt like he needed to have a sense of being!

I have to say, I don’t know whether it is something you can decide upon, or whether that is bestowed upon you, like a ‘calling’

13th September 2020, 15:44
I don’t know whether it is something you can decide upon, or whether that is bestowed upon you, like a ‘calling’

I think your purpose is something that finds you, I’m not sure you chose it.

13th September 2020, 17:57
Some people are deeply spiritual and just know their purpose, I find as I get older that I wonder if there is any purpose to life at all!

15th September 2020, 16:09
Some people are deeply spiritual and just know their purpose, I find as I get older that I wonder if there is any purpose to life at all!

Surely you have a passion for something, something that makes you fight, or something that gives you a sense of deep internal joy. It doesn’t have to be earth shattering, it could be gardening, giving back to the community.

I think a purpose is about something you do that others gain benefit for, and those others could simply be wildlife, or something as big as what Greta is doing. Also a sense of purpose, is not necessarily an easy ride.

17th September 2020, 19:01
Does a sense of purpose have to be of benefit to others? Why not to ourselves? Why does it not seem okay to decide upon that purpose?