View Full Version : Worst Gift Ever!

9th September 2020, 18:51
It was my birthday yesterday and I had a can of soup as a present from my friend! I didn’t know how to take it. If it had been a joke then I would get it but she thought she was really kind and I kept waiting for her to say ha ha this is your real gift but alas no!

What’s the worst gift you’ve ever been given and how did you feel?

11th September 2020, 18:40
Not the worst gift but I do get a lot of mugs with my name on which I am not fond of!

11th September 2020, 18:51
Anti-cellulite cream :ykies which I never asked for, hinted at, or wanted!

12th September 2020, 09:33
Anti-cellulite cream :ykies which I never asked for, hinted at, or wanted!

Crikey, that’s just rude!, :hurt:

12th September 2020, 10:53
I had a hand towel for Christmas and a bath towel for my birthday, do you think they are trying to tell me something?!

15th September 2020, 17:47
I had a very garish today once, it was so bad, I just couldn’t even fake a smile, I was honest and said there and then, I needed to return it. :worked_till_5am:

Now I’m saying this, some many years later, I feel really bad about it. Should I have just kindly accepted it and smiled?

16th September 2020, 16:07
I think you should be polite as they might think it’s a lovely gift!

16th September 2020, 18:15
Anti-cellulite cream :ykies which I never asked for, hinted at, or wanted!

They wouldn’t be my friend very long if they gave me this for a gift!