View Full Version : Iceland Too Cool for Plastic campaign

9th September 2020, 18:17

We have set out our aim to remove plastic packaging from our own label range completely by 2023. This work has already begun. Our Mumbai Street Co and Mexicana street food meal ranges are in paper-based trays, saving 850 tonnes of non-recyclable black plastic so far. In the counter above we will monitor our progress in real time as we deliver against our plan.

How fantastic is this?

A definite step in the right direction and I love the new packaging.

10th September 2020, 05:34
This is excellent news, it is so great to see individual companies leading the way to reduce plastic use from packaging. Sadly this type of information doesn’t make the main news.

11th September 2020, 18:43
The packaging looks really retro and in my opinion so much more attractive to buy whilst saving the environment. A win, win :love_heart:

13th September 2020, 17:34
Morrison’s having paper bags and Iceland getting rid of plastic, come on Tesco and Sainsburys what are you doing?

14th September 2020, 08:13
I think this will force the other supermarkets to follow suit! A great result for a start, I will be asking my own supermarket if they have plans to follow.

16th September 2020, 19:54
I see Iceland have also looked at their plastic use, not just their bags. I wish I shopped with them, so I could support them. @IcelandFoods