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View Full Version : Concentration camps in China!

6th September 2020, 17:02
I was shocked an appalled to hear that there are concentration camps in China, I had no idea! How can this be going on in today’s world?

A doctor has made a series of startling claims about forced abortion and womb removal being carried out by Chinese authorities in its Uyghur prison camps.

The woman, a resident of Turkey and a Uyghur Muslim, spoke to ITV News under confidentiality, revealing the horror she witnessed inside the camps.

There have been ongoing claims against the Chinese government for its treatment of the Uyghur and ethnic Turkic minorities in the western Xinjiang region of the country.

Many have allegedly been forced into detention camps, which the Chinese government calls re-education camps.

The woman, a gynecologist, told the British news program that she worked for the Chinese government as part of population control.

“The clear intention was ethnic cleansing,” she told ITV News.

6th September 2020, 17:56
I had no idea these concentration camps existed either. How utterly horrific that some countries feel they have a right to ‘cleanse’ the world of a particular race purely because of their own hatred for them. I hope they get the same treatment as their victims :disgust:

8th September 2020, 06:09
Be careful what you read, and consider the source and the reason behind such an accusation.

I’m not saying this isn’t happening, but I’m not saying it is true either. There is much at stake between the US and China and this is a huge political mine field. The US is losing its global power status in the world and this in itself has untold implications. We currently trade globally using the US Dollar, in time this will change and that means a loss of power to America.
What you hear and read, may simply be the US putting out information to try and turn people away from China.

8th September 2020, 12:25
There are so many things that go on around the world, there is so much evil done against one another in the name of religion, colour and creed. I really do not know how is to blame for such hatred.

But globally there seems to be more of it on the rise.

9th September 2020, 18:08
I can’t believe this can be happening in 2020, have we not learnt anything? Have we no compassion for people of every race or culture? I am deeply disgusted and saddened by this