View Full Version : Extinction rebellion

6th September 2020, 07:46
It has been widely reported that the actions taken by extinction rebellion (ER) to highlight the issues of climate change were a prevention of ‘free speech’ which did make me chuckle to hear this from the newspaper media, who go out of their way to control ‘speech’.

The news reported on how thousands of people were prevented from getting their newspapers, people that rely so heavily on them during this time of lock down :doh

Yet, there was no explanation of the effects that climate change will have on us in the very near future, and beyond. :ne_nau:

Typically, we only concern ourselves with the hear and now, who cares about the millions already being affected by the changing climate in India, Pakistan, California, Australia, Africa. After all we need our newspapers to read about such issues! :doh

6th September 2020, 17:27
What’s the link between newspapers and climate change? I take it it’s the cutting down of trees to make the papers?

6th September 2020, 17:39
I was more surprised to read that people still actually buy newspapers!

8th September 2020, 14:15
What’s the link between newspapers and climate change? I take it it’s the cutting down of trees to make the papers?

I don’t think there was meant to be a link, I think it’s all about causing disruption. The media was always going to comment on such disruption to their own industry.

9th September 2020, 18:19
How many of those protesters actually cared about climate change and how many were there just to cause trouble? :mad-new: