View Full Version : Are you giving up your freedom?

5th September 2020, 05:01
I remember a time, many, many years ago when there was a suggestion that everyone have their fingerprints taken and put on a central database, there was outrage, with arguments about our ‘civil rights’ , ‘against our freedom’ and ‘nanny state’ and of course, as a result this idea was quashed!

Except now, children in school pay for their food with their thumb print, we open up our phones and tablets with thumb prints and facial recognition, we input personal health information info our phones ‘for the emergency services’, google follows our every move, Siri and Alexa listens to us, we get personalised ads served up to us on our media based on our discussions. Our phones, tablets and apps are constantly pulling information, who our friends are, what we like, what our political views are, what we shop, where we buy, where we work etc

We have freely given this information in the name of making our lives easier, in the name of convenience and now, we are being drip- fed the idea of having a ‘chip’ inserted for health benefits, fun and convenience :ne_nau:

Where will this new age end?

5th September 2020, 05:35
Kids use their thumb print to pay for their food? :doh I take it that is agreed by the parents? Does that thumb print and persons details get sold on to a ‘third party’? Like so much other personal information we give away?

5th September 2020, 10:40
Kids use their thumb print to pay for their food? :doh I take it that is agreed by the parents? Does that thumb print and persons details get sold on to a ‘third party’? Like so much other personal information we give away?

Yes kids do use their thumb print to pay for food, parents bank accounts are linked to the thumb print. I think due to GDPR they can’t pass on the details but who knows, it’s a crazy world