View Full Version : Food scarcity

23rd August 2020, 05:53
There are some that do not believe in the climate crises, and some that simply do not care, because they do not see or feel that it will affect them.

Yet it has been reported many times in this last week about food scarcity around the world in terms of crop yield. This isn’t the same as there is a shortage of hobos bread!

In this country there is a shortage of wheat stock, due to flooding in the first part of the year and drought in the middle part of the year, this has left a low yield, but also, the yield that has grown is of poor quality. What does this mean? Considerably higher prices across all foods that utilise wheat.

The UN has warned that there will be millions facing starvation worldwide with a growth in malnutrition by up-to 80% By the end of the year!

The changes in climate are real and they are affecting us already, it may be slow, and not in a way that we can’t overcome at the moment, but there will come a tipping point, in the very near future!

23rd August 2020, 15:06
I think that farmers will have to invest in artificial climates for their crops so that they are protected by nature.

23rd August 2020, 19:16
I think that farmers will have to invest in artificial climates for their crops so that they are protected by nature.

I think you’re right, it has to be the future of sustainable farming!

24th August 2020, 06:00
I think you’re right, it has to be the future of sustainable farming!

I think it’s going to take a bit more than that globally, remember each country imports a lot of its foods from other countries, if all countries are getting extremes of weather, no amount of artificial climates will help the process, in fact artificial climates require more labour intensive watering, because they are not naturally watered, the sun does not ripen and provide nutrients to the foods in the same way as it is done naturally.

But, let’s be honest, a third of Bangladesh is underwater at the moment, California is burning to the ground, Australia has snow and Turkey has had unprecedented rain falls. This are environments that are not sustainable for any crop growing.

As a collective race we will need to come together, stop fighting and work out ‘plan B’. Surely we are beyond the point are arguing if there is a climate change and what is the cause, we need to start planning about how we can still all live on the planet, feed 10 billion of us under such a rapidly changing world and climate.

27th August 2020, 13:24
This is very troubling to me and there seems to be more and more land being used to build new houses on to cater for the many more people needing homes due to people not getting married and sharing a home. Without land we can’t grow food and feed animals so it is a very scary food future for the human race