View Full Version : Acai Berries

22nd August 2020, 08:20

Açai (ah-sigh-EE) Berries have been heavily promoted as a superfood for some time, and it seems it’s new-found status is with good reason! These heart healthy berries grows on palm trees and are native to tropical Central and South America and have a preference for wet and swampy conditions.

The benefits of this incredible plant do not end with the fruit, the palm leaves are used in the material industry to make mats, hats, carpets and roof thatch.

The most impressive nutrients found in this fruit are the polyphenols, which have powerful antioxidant properties. These compounds have been shown to be beneficial in warding off respiratory tract infections and help protect the body from harmful bacteria.

The native South American’s have used the fruit and roots for hundreds of years in the treatment of numerous ailments including constipation, nausea and diarrhoea.

There is some suggestion that due to the high levels of antioxidants, anthocyanins and flavonols that the Açai berry may be beneficial in reducing high blood cholesterol levels.


The dense nutritional compounds found in Açai berries mean that they are useful in reducing inflammation within the body, which may benefit joint pain, as well as boosting your immune system and helping to protect your cardiovascular function, meaning these berries are heart healthy!

:apple: Açai berries are packed with more antioxidants than blueberries, strawberries, cranberries and have 10 times more antioxidant levels than grapes.

Research is ongoing on how the Açai berry can help reduce the proliferation of cancer cells in certain cancers and this is exciting news, watch this space!

:apple: Açai berries contain high amounts of heart healthy fats, in fact nearly 50% of the açai berry is fat, with 74% coming from unsaturated fats, such as Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9.

The high quantities of polyphenolic compounds may help to lower the risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, as well as boost your general cognitive function.

:apple: Açai berries contain an impressive 19 different amino acids, which are very important compounds required by the body to help build proteins. Almost every body function, including growth and development, healing and repair require amino acids.


23rd August 2020, 19:31
I’ve seen this powder mentioned in a few health books, I guess it could be a good alternative to blueberries in smoothies.

24th August 2020, 10:44
I have never seen these berries do you know where I can get them from?

28th August 2020, 17:34
What do these berries taste like are they sweet?

3rd September 2020, 09:36
What do these berries taste like are they sweet?

They are like an earthy sweet, much like blackberries are earthy, but sweet.

3rd September 2020, 09:37
I have never seen these berries do you know where I can get them from?

You can’t buy the berries, you can only get them in powdered form, because they do not keep from picking.

10th December 2020, 17:06
These health powders cost a fortune though. By the time you’ve covered all health bases, you’re broke!

12th December 2020, 15:24
These health powders cost a fortune though. By the time you’ve covered all health bases, you’re broke!

Ha ha I think that too, it seems there is a hefty price tag to eating healthily!