View Full Version : What cost do you put on YOUR health?

19th August 2020, 06:09
I have recently done a series of Vlogs on healthy alternatives, from foods, to products and the feedback I often get is that the cost of such alternatives are outrageously high, and often out of the budget of most people!

An opinion I simply can not deny and wholeheartedly agree with, I genuinely wish there was an answer to that, but as yet I can’t find one!

BUT! While I agree that such products are a considered purchase and out of the price range of many people’s everyday budgets, there are some people that prioritise their budgets, let’s face it, I am recommending products that are actually healthier for you, that don’t put you at a higher risk factor for cancer or chronic disease.
I could argue that these same people that quaff at my suggestions, purchase alcohol, or buy fizzy drinks to drink instead of consuming water, they buy expensive brands, when less expensive brands do they same job, and sometimes better!

I can not afford to make all the healthy changes in my life, I wish I could, so I compromise, I look at what is likely to be a bigger risk to my health and make those changes.

I struggle to understand why people go out in their hundreds of thousands every year on charity walks to raise money to fight cancer, and for cancer research, yet continue to use products and consume foods that ultimately lead to cancer :ne_nau:
Forgive me for picking on cancer, there are many, many other chronic diseases that people suffer terribly from that could be eradicated by a change in diet and lifestyle.

I am simply trying to highlight that we all make choices in life.

19th August 2020, 15:55
I think a fizzy drink might just be a treat and alcohol a way of escaping something and the last thing on a persons mind is eating or drinking healthily. I wonder if people are just making excuses because they just get stuck in a way of life and can’t be arsed to change. Let’s face it most of the products we use are what our parents used and we copy them.

19th August 2020, 15:59
My advice is not to even think about why other people aren’t making the right choices as long as you are.