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17th August 2020, 19:50
I notice in the BBC news
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53788018 that the highest temperatures on earth have been recorded at 54.4c in Death Valley National Park, California.

This has come after a week of wild fires which have devastated the countryside. Is this a trend we will be seeing as the years roll by?
It seems that wildfires are now common place around the world, along with flooding. These events alone will speed up the melting polar caps resulting in a huge swathe of people moving to other lands for climate refuge.

18th August 2020, 10:14
I have just been looking at this on the TV and seems to be a clear indication of climate change. We don’t seem to have the harsh winters anymore either just flooding in place of frost and snow!

18th August 2020, 10:57
How scary is this for the residents in that area, their homes will become worthless and they will be living in fear of the wildfires. My heart goes out to them:love_heart:

18th August 2020, 16:50
I mowed my garden on Christmas Eve last year! If that is not an indication of how mild our winters are, then nothing is! I think give it another 20 years and we will see mass migration of people and extinction of animals.

The changing climate will mean that some animals won’t be able to access their food source due to a depleting species.

22nd August 2020, 05:14
I really don’t think people truly understand the importance of the fine balance this planet and it’s eco system survives on, it really will not take much to tip that fine balance to the point of impacting the planets flora, fauna and creatures.

Around the world we are already seeing weathers that were once considered extremes becoming an annual occurrence. If this trend continues we will see devastated parts on our planet in a matter of 10-20 years!

22nd August 2020, 16:43
I mowed my garden on Christmas Eve last year! If that is not an indication of how mild our winters are, then nothing is! I think give it another 20 years and we will see mass migration of people and extinction of animals.

The changing climate will mean that some animals won’t be able to access their food source due to a depleting species.

What about getting your fruit and vegetables they can’t grow in that climate either so there will be nothing but processed food

23rd August 2020, 19:15
And the same place that had bush fires this time last year has snow this year! Australia has snow, Bangladesh and Turkey have the worst ever floods! All weather at the moment seems to be extremes.

28th August 2020, 13:31
This is so scary because it looks like we are literally burning up, there seems to be incredible high temperatures with wild fires and then flooding in the winter. If we don’t make changes now I fear for our future :hororr:

31st August 2020, 11:42
Now we have lowest temperatures recorded in 40 years! I don’t understand if we are getting hotter as a planet or colder!

1st September 2020, 05:56
Now we have lowest temperatures recorded in 40 years! I don’t understand if we are getting hotter as a planet or colder!

Where? I haven’t seen that :worked_till_5am: I see that Italy, Spain and Portugal are now fighting wild fires. I don’t recall these countries having such problems with fires when I was younger.