View Full Version : Men on the make-up counter

17th August 2020, 19:25
Has anyone noticed that there seem to be more and more men working on women’s make-up counters, I don’t know about you, but I feel this is a bit weird.

I don’t have an issue with their sexuality, it just seems strange getting make-up lessons by a man!

18th August 2020, 10:21
I haven’t noticed but there’s no way I would be taking make up advice from a man!

18th August 2020, 11:03
There is a very successful male YouTuber that does make up tutorials and he has a beard but puts foundation on! I find it weird and men’s skin is totally different to women’s so he can’t really talk about how well a foundation works on their skin. Maybe I’m sexist but I think it would put me off going to a make up counter where a man is working.

18th August 2020, 11:08
I always look at the women’s beautifully made up faces and often ask them what eyeshadow, lipstick they are wearing and purchase it. Women sell more products that way so if you are employing a man I don’t think it is a wise move in my opinion.

19th August 2020, 16:59
I am a man (obviously)! and I wouldn’t feel comfortable working on a make up counter with the current blame culture, you could end up in hot water if a woman said you touched her inappropriately!

22nd September 2020, 06:44
I wouldn’t approach a make up counter with a man on it, make up counters are largely for women to give each other advice on their own experiences of wearing the make up they sell so a man isn’t going to recommending mascara!