View Full Version : Healthy Nutella alternative

17th August 2020, 16:57
I have loved Nutella since I was a child and have always wanted to grab a spoon and tuck in, alas, I realise the health consequences of such an action :doh

So, I set about making mine own with foods that only add to my health, not deplete it... Enjoy!


18th August 2020, 10:30
This looked lovely, how long does it last and where do you store it?

25th August 2020, 10:26
Wow what a fabulous idea, I would never imagine making my own Nutella which I am addicted to by the way! I will have a look for ingredients today and have a go, hope it turns out like yours :friendly_wink:

6th September 2020, 17:45
Yummy yum I would never have thought to make my own Nutella, thanks for sharing this