View Full Version : Why, please help me understand!

16th August 2020, 11:43
This was posted as an answer to a film posted:

‘Sadly the human race is killing itself and everything around it but watching this sort of thing will shock people but won’t make them change!’

It is an answer I have asked myself so, many different times, yet still fail to get an answer. Today I posted up on the Facebook page about a plastic free alternative which is biodegradable and compostable. I didn’t get one acknowledgement :doh

Why don’t people care? When you speak to people in the street and show them pictures of the refuse tips of plastic, or the mountains of plastics in our seas, foods and wildlife they are horrified! But what action are we taking? Where is the demand on the shops to change? Why are we happily recycling, rather than asking, why are we having to when there are alternatives out there!

I just don’t understand why people don’t really care, regardless of what they say!

16th August 2020, 17:02
I think they are very self absorbed these days and it’s all about collecting ‘friends’ on Facebook and posting dozens of photoshopped images they have little time left over to actually take the time to read about the impact of their actions on our world. :apologetic:

17th August 2020, 09:30
Oh bless you for caring so much, I think you’ve got to do what you do and that’s be a role model for others by leading the way and don’t worry about other people :love_heart: