View Full Version : A difficult conversation!

16th August 2020, 10:31
My daughter has a male friend who is gay but is too scared to tell his family as they are catholic and make it very obvious they are against same sex relationships. He lives every day for them, he is at university studying to be a doctor because his parents want him to do that and he has ‘girlfriends’ as a cover so his family don’t know he is gay.

Should he live a lie to make his family happy?

Do your parents dictate your life?

Should a gay person have to make a big announcement about it?

I would tell the truth and damn the consequences! I couldn’t care less if my son or daughter is gay it’s their life not yours.

17th August 2020, 09:44
I really don’t think it is anyone else’s business what your sexual preference is. I feel so sorry for gays people feeling the need to have to make a big announcement

18th August 2020, 11:05
Too much emphasis on sexuality these days in my opinion. I couldn’t care less what you want to label yourself it’s your business not mine!

22nd August 2020, 09:20
Never live a lie to make your family happy, let’s be honest any true family member simply want the best for their child, your beliefs should always come second to the love for your family and what is right for them.

23rd August 2020, 16:09
How sad that a family can make him feel like this. Personally I would take my chances and tell them and if they can’t accept you for who you are that’s their loss. Why do you feel you have to live the life THEY want when they don’t live the life YOU want

30th August 2020, 10:37
This seems to be happening a lot, your life is nobodies business but your own and that includes your sexuality