View Full Version : When are you too old to wear a bikini?

9th August 2020, 13:42
I think if you have a great body go for it but not sure anyone over 60 would feel comfortable in a bikini. Is it for the perfect young body or do you say what the heck and go for it? :banana:

9th August 2020, 19:15
I think as long as you have the courage to feel confident you should wear one until you don’t feel comfortable. :thumb

9th August 2020, 19:36
I think it is important that we try and get away from having such a age limit on anything, if anything such limitations have resulted in mental health stress, I say if your 90 yrs old and still rocking it, go for it!

9th August 2020, 19:39

This is my in a few years time! :thumb

10th August 2020, 15:26

This is my in a few years time! :thumb
:jb: go for it, if you feel comfortable in your own skin then sod what anyone else thinks

23rd August 2020, 16:56
People are so judgemental aren’t they? I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing a bikini because I look like a sack of spuds and feel self conscious but there should be no age limit at all