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9th August 2020, 06:56
Deteriorating mental health is on the rise in all age groups, with a steeper rise in teenagers, why?

I feel that on the days I try and integrate with society, (do social media, go shopping, read the news etc) I find my struggle with mental health so much harder.

During lockdown, I took time out, I didn’t bother shopping, going out, mixing with humans either directly or indirectly on social media platforms and I realised I was fine, I was in my own little bubble of oblivion.

I had no reason to judge myself against others, because I didn’t ‘see’ others, my stress levels were low and I felt good bout myself. Coming back out and using social media more has really knocked my confidence and self belief.

I think this Western rise in mental health conditions is down to the high use of social media, and I for one will be limiting my use to only my own page which promotes health. This is for the good of my own health.

9th August 2020, 14:17
I know exactly what you mean and I actually really enjoyed lockdown. It was so nice to see everyone on an even keel. Now I am seeing posts of people who are eating out and going abroad and once again I find myself in the trap of feeling somehow inferior. I have to watch what I spend and there is no money left over for holidays and a meal out has to be saved and planned. Hardly social media fodder is it? But how much of what we see is real?

25th August 2020, 10:08
Be kind to yourself and always be grateful, whilst you are being grateful there is no room for negative thoughts :love_heart:

6th October 2020, 17:58
Lock down #1 seemed okay, in fact there was a real buoyancy in the air, then the lockdown lifted and this lifted people’s mood, briefly, but now we seem to be going into a restricted zone and the anxiety and stress levels seem to be on the rise. The media is a constant bombardment of Covid, with absolutely no let-up. All negative, all scaremongering and in many cases lies, half truths and a spattering of fudged numbers.

This constant level of stress and anxiety will not serve the population well, we will start to see mental health issue rise drastically. It is so important to fins]d other focuses of attention. Limit your viewing of the media, subscribe to amazon kindle unlimited for a couple of months and take your mind of this crazy world!

6th October 2020, 18:14
I have noticed that the virus has affected some people really badly and yet those with existing mental health problems seem to have taken it in their stride. I think it’s because they have coping strategies they can drawer upon to get through. Suicide is on the rise and mental health services were already overwhelmed. I think COVID 19 will have taken many more lives through suicide than the disease it’s very sad

24th October 2020, 10:27
I was shocked to see a parent used social media to name and shame a boy in her child’s class that had said his mum was ‘hot’. She posted his full name, school, class and class teacher. How irresponsible can you get. That child is just 10 years old and him and his family are devastated. He could be subjected to horrific bullying and the impact on his mental health could be catastrophic. Social media in my opinion can be evil. I absolutely hate it :mad-new: