View Full Version : Should kids get an equal inheritance?

8th August 2020, 13:27
Should kids get an equal inheritance is a tricky one because my first thought is absolutely they should definitely get equal but..........what if one person doesn’t care one bit or never bothers but the other does? Definitely something to think about :confusion:

8th August 2020, 19:21
I think if one doesn’t bother with you at all, or care and another does, then the inheritance should be split as you see fit, and not automatically shared equally.

9th August 2020, 06:30
I guess it depends on your relationship with your child. If it’s always been fairly equal for both of them, then you should split it equally.

9th August 2020, 13:12
I think this is a very tricky one as it could be that a sibling loves their parent and has chosen a career in the forces for instance so they may not be able to care for their parent as much as their sibling, does that mean they shouldn’t get as much inheritance? I don’t think so and the way I look at it you don’t have a right to anyone else’s money