View Full Version : Whole food snacks on the run

4th August 2020, 13:36
When I’m travelling I like to be as self sufficient as possible and take my own foods, this is to ensure that I know exactly what food is in my food :doh if that makes any sense!

Having said that, there are occasions when this simply is not possible, or maybe I’m just being darn right lazy, either way I still like to know that the snack I choose is as healthy as can be, so I choose Nakd or Deliciously Ella as my obvious go to bars. Both of these companies have a healthy ethos, with no processed food and Contain simple, healthy ingredients.

Check out my recent Vlog about these two products. :jb:


4th August 2020, 13:40
Hi Louise I love Nakd bars and I’m just discovering Deliciously Ella too. I loved your vlog, are you going to be doing some more?

4th August 2020, 14:31
Hi Louise I love Nakd bars and I’m just discovering Deliciously Ella too. I loved your vlog, are you going to be doing some more?

Hi Hope to be doing some more over time, this is all new to me and I’m learning as I go, I hope with confidence and knowledge my Vlogs will become more informative and helpful.

As for the snacks, there are very few snacks available in shops that have whole, unprocessed foods in them, Nakd keeps its bars simple, with wholesome ingredients and no refined sugars.

4th August 2020, 14:33
What I love about Deliciously Ella is that on her website she shows you how to make her energy balls, the shop bought ones are simply for convenience. Not many packaged can be easily replicated exactly at home!

7th August 2020, 18:07
So nice to see you in person Louise :love_heart: