View Full Version : Targeted weight loss

4th August 2020, 05:54
Is there such a thing as targeted weight loss? My sister is very pear shaped and carries a lot of fat around her bum and thighs, yet she is quite small on the upper half of her body in comparison.

When she diets, her weight loss comes from her smallest areas first, leaving her frustrated and miserable, leading to a cycle of binge eating for comfort. :comfort:

4th August 2020, 11:04
I think it is impossible to target weight loss through diet as you can’t predict where you will lose weight and let’s be honest it goes straight off your boobs and tummy area but the bum and thighs seem to be last. It’s down to targeted exercise I think

4th August 2020, 19:56
I think Joel’s is right, I don’t think it is possible to be that specific about fat loss, otherwise we would all have great, plump boobs and tiny hips!