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4th August 2020, 05:43
My brother has been told he has high blood pressure and has been advised to eat a heart healthy diet and taken medication. :doh Are there any recommendations for dietary changes he could make to improve his health and bring down his blood pressure naturally?

4th August 2020, 13:42
Raw beetroot is said to be very good at reducing blood pressure naturally, you can obviously juice it yourself, or buy shop bought, pre juiced. I’m guessing freshly made juice would be your natural choice.

4th August 2020, 18:30
Tom32 pomegranate is good for helping to clear out the arteries, and it is said to be as effective as statins, along with a healthy diet. When you have clean vessels Your blood pressure is lower. I hope this helps. :irish:

4th August 2020, 19:39
Garlic seems to be the answer and has been trialed up against some of the most common anti-high blood pressure tablets.


5th August 2020, 20:48
Cut down on animal fats and eat more heart healthy fats, like walnuts and plant based fats.

9th August 2020, 13:33
Eat more potassium and less sodium along with regular exercise to lower your blood pressure

9th August 2020, 19:53
You need to eat foods that are naturally high in potassium and magnesium :thumb