View Full Version : Age spots

1st August 2020, 19:56
I’ve noticed age spots starting to develop, how can I prevent them, or lighten them?

1st August 2020, 20:08
I’ve noticed age spots starting to develop, how can I prevent them, or lighten them?

I have those too and Bio Oil is good but is a commitment as takes several weeks of daily applications. Definitely worth it though

2nd August 2020, 19:08
I’ve noticed age spots starting to develop, how can I prevent them, or lighten them?

You can prevent them by staying out of the sun but they can be a side effect of pregnancy, Clinique do a serum that is good for lightening brown spots

3rd August 2020, 21:20
Lemon juice is the obvious choice, applied to the affected area, every day, in a few months you will notice the difference.

6th August 2020, 14:58
Doesn’t lemon dry your skin out? :confused:

27th August 2020, 16:04
I hate my brown spots they look so horrible and have always made me feel so self conscious I never let anyone see me without my foundation on so I would love to find a treatment to get rid of them instead of just covering them.

31st August 2020, 11:56
If you have the time apply Aloe Vera directly to the brown spots for 30 minutes morning and night and you should notice a difference

8th February 2022, 13:23
Adding a drop of vetiver (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?917-Vetiver-Chrysopogon-zizaniodes) essential oil to a carrier oil can help to fade age spots, or areas of darker pigmentation.

8th February 2022, 18:00
Why would you want to rid or lighten age spots?

Would eating a diet rich in skin healthy foods, such as nuts and seeds for Vit E help, looking at foods that can help to rejuvenate the skin, or apply topical treatments which aid in cell renewal. I believe tomato’s are very good for skin, it’s the lycopene in the tomato that’s good and this is stronger in cooked tomato, specifically tomato paste.