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26th July 2020, 18:15
Intimate details of tense conversations between William and Harry unveiled in biography Finding Freedom
Authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand also reveal intricacies of voicemails left from Meghan to her father
Scobie and Durand say they have spoken to 'more than 100 sources including friends and aides' for the book
Meghan and Harry have insisted they 'were not interviewed and did not contribute' to bombshell biography

Will you be reading it? I think there are two words to describe Meghan Markle and that’s ‘coercive control’ if it was the other way around and he was taking her away from everyone she knows and breaking down every relationship she has and isolating her from her friends and family there would be outrage but she does it and nobody seems to point out the obvious that this woman is like an abusive partner. Yes Harry has his own mind but he has also spoken publicly about his mental health so shows he is vulnerable. I think if his mother was alive she would be horrified by his actions. This relationship is doomed and I give it 5 years and he will come home with his tail between his legs and a book tour selling his side of the story!!!!!!!

27th July 2020, 19:09
I am intrigued to know what they have to say but will wait for it to go in the bargain bins for £1.99 as no way will I be paying full price for it.

27th July 2020, 19:33
I think they are both self centred and they best thing they both did was up and leave the UK!

27th July 2020, 19:49
Seriously! These two people take themselves way too seriously!

it takes the absolute piss that these two bang on about their privacy and wanting the tabloids to stay out of their life, and then they pretend not to write this book ( remind you of anyone) and have their whole pathetic tantrum play out in the tabloids they so despise.

If they didn’t write this book they would have had the lawyers crawling all over it by now, do they think we are stupid!

28th July 2020, 07:15
I think they are misunderstood and sadly ill advised. I think they both mean well and are genuinely passionate about their causes.

28th July 2020, 15:48
I think they are misunderstood and sadly ill advised. I think they both mean well and are genuinely passionate about their causes.

What causes are they passionate about? It seems they are the cause they are most passionate about and if you get in their way they will sue you!

1st August 2020, 19:54
Well, her causes are Equality, empowering woman, fame and his is Africa, the environment and being gullible

7th August 2020, 07:44
I feel sad that Harry has been taken in by this woman. He must love her so much to give up his whole way of life and leave his father and brother who he was so close to. It shows the power of one person over another and how manipulation can change your life. I hope he wakes up to her sooner rather than later!

11th August 2020, 11:00
Well this book is out today and from what I hear they both need to get a life!! They are upset over the tiniest thing and Meghan was apparently deeply distressed when she was advised to change her initial necklace as it would give the media something to talk about. Surely they were trying to protect her but she has taken it as a negative thing. They are fast becoming social pariahs, Harry come home and leave the witch behind :beaten: