View Full Version : 14 Day Quarantine, is this the end for holidays abroad this year?

25th July 2020, 20:17
Coronavirus: UK brings back 14-day quarantine for Spain
Travellers returning to the UK from Spain after midnight tonight will have to quarantine for 14 days, the government has said.
The decision came following a significant spike in coronavirus cases in Spain, with more than 900 new cases of the virus reported on Friday.
Spanish officials have also warned a second wave could be imminent as major cities have seen cases surge.
The UK government said public health was an "absolute priority".
"We have taken this decision to limit any potential spread to the UK. We've always been clear that we would act immediately to remove a country where necessary," a spokesman from the Department for Transport said.
They said people currently on holiday in Spain should follow the local rules, return home as normal, and check the Foreign Office's travel advice website for further information.
Quarantine measures for UK travellers were introduced in early June. But after pressure from the aviation and travel industries, the government and devolved administrations published lists of countries exempt from the rules.
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The Department for Transport is urging employers to be "understanding of those returning from Spain who now will need to self-isolate".
But Labour's shadow home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds called the government to explain in detail how it will support those affected, adding that the news will be "deeply concerning for families who are in caught in Spain or are planning travel".
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted that the decision was made after reviewing the latest data earlier on Saturday.
"This reinforces the point that these matters are subject to change at short notice and so my advice is to be cautious about non-essential foreign travel," she said.
What's happening in Spain?
Spain has so far seen more than 28,000 coronavirus deaths. On Thursday, it saw the biggest biggest daily increase in infections since its lockdown ended.
Catalonia has become the latest region to crack down on nightlife. The wealthy north-east region, which is home to Barcelona, ordered all nightclubs to close for two weeks and put a midnight curfew on bars in the greater Barcelona area.
The BBC's Guy Hedgecoe in Madrid says contagion among young people is a particular worry, as they have been gathering in large numbers in cities at night.
France has warned its citizens not to travel to Catalonia while Norway has said it will start quarantining people arriving from Spain.
The Airport Operators Association said the new measures will "further damage what is already a fragile restart of the aviation sector which continues to face the biggest challenge in its history".
Budget airline EasyJet said it was "disappointed" and would operate a full schedule in the coming days.
"Customers who no longer wish to travel can transfer their flights without a change fee or receive a voucher for the value of the booking," the company said in a statement.
The new rules for Spain come a day after five other destinations were added to England's quarantine-free list.
Anyone coming to England from Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia and St Vincent and the Grenadines will not have to isolate for two weeks on arrival, the government confirmed on Friday.
John Blackmore, from Hampshire, was due to fly out to his family in Spain with his wife and two young children. But the new rules mean he has had to cancel, for fears his wife's employer would not be able to accommodate her taking an extra two weeks off to quarantine on their return.
He said he thought it was unlikely they would get a refund for the flight, as it has not been cancelled.
"I'm devastated," he told the BBC. "I have family in Spain who haven't seen their only grandkids since Christmas."

26th July 2020, 05:41
This is crazy! There was no warning of this, and for such a sudden decision to be made will undoubtedly impact the travel industry, but also make people worry about the decision to travel abroad, with the potential affect on the jobs upon returning!

I would imagine many companies will discourage staff from travelling too, as they have been hit hard enough already, but now expected to pay their staff a wage while they sit at home for two weeks isolating!

26th July 2020, 16:50
This is crazy! There was no warning of this, and for such a sudden decision to be made will undoubtedly impact the travel industry, but also make people worry about the decision to travel abroad, with the potential affect on the jobs upon returning!

I would imagine many companies will discourage staff from travelling too, as they have been hit hard enough already, but now expected to pay their staff a wage while they sit at home for two weeks isolating!
I agree with you Khan, there will be people coming home and having to ask for a further two weeks of work to quarantine and bosses saying they will have to take unpaid leave (which is fair enough). The hospitality industry is already on its knees and this will be a further kick in the teeth.

4th August 2020, 14:47
Well I see the 14 day quarantine is back and air bridges closed. I really don’t think we should have been allowed to fly out of the country for non essential travel until there is a vaccine. We are trying to get our local economy moving again and children back in school but we are now possible looking at another lockdown due to too much relaxation and people bringing the virus back from other countries again.

4th August 2020, 16:27
I think we have to accept that the virus is around to stay, we either have to accept that it’s here and get on with life while taking a risk, those people that want to lock themselves can do so etc OR we have to protect everyone, and lock down and not open up.

The latter really is not an option in terms of financial security for the UK.

I do think it was maybe too early to open the air bridge for holidays, but there may never be a right time. This virus does not seem seasonal.

4th August 2020, 18:26
I think lock downs are only going to get tighter as the winter season approaches and that will carry through until spring next year to some degree or another. I agree with Jake we have to learn to live with this globally.