View Full Version : Wind and bloating

23rd July 2020, 19:43
Does anyone have a good treatment for bloating and excess wind? I take a conventional medication and wondered if anyone has a holistic approach?

24th July 2020, 08:38
Swedish bitters, that soon sort you out! Only take as directed, you can buy them from a herbalists or online.

24th July 2020, 13:54
Aloe Vera is very good for this, I have a personal preference for Pukka, it seems a good quality product.

24th July 2020, 15:06
I have heard of Swedish Bitters being brilliant but slightly brutal, have you tried them yourself?

24th July 2020, 15:08
Thank you Staci I will have a look. I thought Pukka was a meat pie not heard of Aloe Vera product made by them so I will Google now, thanks again

22nd August 2020, 16:20
I feel your pain (literally) wind is so painful :anonymous:

28th August 2020, 11:49
I think it’s best to find out what affects you and avoid those foods if possible.

30th August 2020, 14:15
Mixing foods can often cause bloating, keeping certain foods away from each other can help. For example mixing Fresh fruit with processed food can often cause gastric irritation and wind.

1st September 2020, 05:50
Fennel tea is very good, sip a cup of fennel tea before and after a meal and this should help to ease bloating.

1st September 2020, 05:50
Swedish bitters, that soon sort you out! Only take as directed, you can buy them from a herbalists or online.

I’ve never heard of Swedish bitters, what are they?