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View Full Version : Cookie Dough Smoothie

23rd July 2020, 18:18

Your life will never be the same after eating this :sly:

Cookie Dough Smoothie :jb:

2 Frozen bananas (ripe)
1/2 cup of Almond milk
2 TBSP 100% peanut butter or almond butter
1 TSP vanilla extract

Throw it all into a blender and blend just long enough to be smooth, pour into a bowl and serve with topping of your choice
So delicious and so good!

23rd July 2020, 18:22
Oh Wow! I’ll have to give this a go, purely for health reasons! :sly:

Have you topped it off with chocolate nibs?

23rd July 2020, 19:44
At last a smoothie I can eat without gagging :jb: