View Full Version : Night sweats

21st July 2020, 17:31
I’m a woman of a certain age and have started to develop night sweats, which I find quite horrible. I’m not a sweaty person at the best of times, so to find myself sweating through the night and waking up damp is quite disconcerting.

I would like to find some natural solutions to this problem, does anyone have any suggestions?

28th July 2020, 18:19
I used to suffer from night sweats and it is horrible to wake up with pools of sweat under your boobs and all over you. I always kept a packet of baby wipes by my bed to wipe myself down, a water spritz it nice to cool you. Keep away from spicy food, alcohol and stress! Not easy on a night out but these are all ways to help without taking medication and HRT is quite controversial at the moment.

31st July 2020, 18:20
Do men get hormonal night sweats?

1st August 2020, 11:23
Do men get hormonal night sweats?

Yes, if their Testosterone drops low enough, sometimes medications can cause this, cancer treatment for prostate can cause hot flushes.

1st August 2020, 11:25
Sage tea or tincture is very good at reducing/preventing night sweats.

1st August 2020, 19:32
Do men get hormonal night sweats?

Men get the male menopause, but it is rarely spoken about, but is a real problem.

5th August 2020, 21:21
Black Cohosh is said to be very good. Although I don’t think suits everyone. But if you are suffering a lot, it may be worth a try, my friend takes it and swears by it, but she did say it took some time to be effective 5-8 weeks. So persevere, so long as you don’t get any side effects.

8th August 2020, 09:12
Sipping cool water throughout the night (Then you would then be up all night peeing!) Keeping a cold pack under a pillow, then turning your pillow over to rest your head on a cool surface. Avoiding common night sweat triggers such as alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine, cigarettes. De-stressing through deep breathing, relaxation, and exercise.