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21st July 2020, 15:55
The time between my ovulation and period coming I can feel quite sick, although I am never actually sick. As a result I spend my days feeling quite crap. Any recommendations to ease this and make this time more bearable?

I’ve tried travel sickness bands and ginger biscuits :worked_till_5am:

21st July 2020, 17:24
Try Hawthorn tincture, you can get it from a herbalist.

Amazon do it too, read the label https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hawthorn-Berry-Tincture-Quality-Assured/dp/B00AQ0LJWM/ref=sr_1_9?crid=13AY8I2YRVIMR&dchild=1&keywords=hawthorn+tincture&qid=1595352282&sprefix=Hawthorn+tinc%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-9

25th July 2020, 16:14
The time between my ovulation and period coming I can feel quite sick, although I am never actually sick. As a result I spend my days feeling quite crap. Any recommendations to ease this and make this time more bearable?

I’ve tried travel sickness bands and ginger biscuits :worked_till_5am:

“Peppermint is wonderful for nausea,” says Richter. Its calming and numbing effect relaxes your stomach muscles so that bile can break down fats, and food can move through the stomach quickly. Good old fashioned Polo mints are brill

28th July 2020, 15:00
Pineapple is good for Nausea, or so, I’ve just read :thumb