View Full Version : Human Apathy

21st July 2020, 13:35
Im so sick of human apathy, there does not seem any fight in anyone now a days, our planet is on the cusp of changing in a way that may not sustain life for much longer, but no one seems to care, we consume to much in every way, we bleed the plant dry of resources and we simply do not care about our foot print or the other species we share this planet with.

When I speak to people about the things that are wrong, I can see they don't care, 'it doesn't affect me' syndrome, 'its not my problem' but it is, its all our problems, why are we not actively finding ways to change the way we live?

The governments answer to every thing is to keep the status quo, change nothing, just tax more! In Norway they actively strive to lead the way in renewable energy and resources, we don't!

What will it take to make people want to make a difference?

21st July 2020, 15:18
I’d hardly call recent global events with the BLM ‘apathy’ there is passion in people. Just necessity for your causes!

21st July 2020, 17:13
there is passion in people!

Id hardly call recent events passion, yes, in the early days there was outrage about what happened to George Floyd, but after that it was funded social unrest for political gains!

21st July 2020, 17:17
Lidia, they only time people want to make a difference and have outrage about something is when it directly and adversely affects them! By which time it will be too late!

It was reported today that polar bears may become extinct due to their changing habitat and loss of food, other than those that study them, does any one care? No! it barely made the news, certainly didn’t stay there and why? because polar bears mean absolutely nothing to our everyday lives?

If there was a chance that toilet paper would go extinct, completely different, there would be an uproar and civil unrest, fighting in the streets over the last 240 sheet roll... carnage!

23rd July 2020, 08:32
I think people are so fed up with society, controls and limitations that we have become numb without a fight. I think the apathy arises from a sense of ‘what’s the point’ -it will be imposed on us in some way’

26th July 2020, 17:03
I think people are so fed up with society, controls and limitations that we have become numb without a fight. I think the apathy arises from a sense of ‘what’s the point’ -it will be imposed on us in some way’

I totally agree with you on this point. I work hard and there are others that do the bear minimum and get away with it so I have now got the same sort of apathy because I’m surrounded with it