View Full Version : Microplastics

21st July 2020, 13:29
It has been reported that the river thames has the highest density of micro plastics in its water than any other major European river!
Local crabs had also been found to have small items of plastic on the stomachs with 874 pieces being removed form 135 crabs! These micro plastics were not confined to affecting crabs, with 80% of Londons tap water being affected.

It seems the micro plastics found in the Thames excluded the microfibres! They put the such high amounts of plastic down to single-use plastic items, inappropriate disposal and plastic-containing cleaning products. :doh

We are consuming this, our fellow creatures are consuming OUR plastics, when will enough be enough? At what point will we wake up and take a stand for ourselves, the creatures on this earth and our planet?

24th July 2020, 17:07
I thought there was a ban on using micro plastics in beauty and household products.

24th August 2020, 11:50
There is a ban on micro plastics in beauty

30th August 2020, 10:02
I am not surprised the Thames is full of plastic, it is such a trendy thing to run along the river with your designer sports gear and carry a bottle of Smart Water :ykies