View Full Version : Lavender - Lavandula augustifolia

18th July 2020, 13:29


known for its aromatic scent and calming effects, Lavender is native to the Mediterranean region and has a long history of use in medicine, fragrance and as an insect repellent.

Key actions:
Balancing and calming.

Excellent for treating digestive conditions with a nervous origin, including indigestion, nausea and diarrhoea. It can also be used to treat colic and wind.

Lavender has a restorative and calming effect on the heart, helping to calm high blood pressure and reduce palpitations.

Lavender is most well known for its treatment of irritability, depression, hysteria, insomnia, nervous tension and shock.

Very useful in the treatment for wounds, ulcers and sores of all kinds. It can be used neat on wounds, insect bites and stings, dermatitis, eczema, acne, acne rosacea and psoriasis.

Makes a deodorising and antiseptic room spray for every day use and for those convalescing.

Lavender has mild analgesic and anti-spasmodic properties making it perfect when used in a massage or compress to combat headaches, shingles, muscular pains and menstrual cramps.

When lavender is used in a bath or sitz bath the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can help to treat cystitis, thrush and other genital infections.

The antispasmodic properties can help to ease a spasmodic cough when used as a chest rub or via steam inhalation.

See 'Safe Use of Essential Oils (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?525-Safe-Use-of-Essential-Oils)' article

Bath, Massage, Diffusion, inhalation, room spray, compress or steam.

Blends well with: Cedarwood (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?902-Cedarwood-Cedrus-atlantica), Clary Sage, Geranium (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?732-Geranium-Pelargonium-graveolens), Marjoram, Pine and Citrus oils.

No known adverse effects, suitable for children.

20th July 2020, 09:23
I love the small of lavender so calming

20th July 2020, 20:58
It’s great on insect bites, it takes the itch out of the bite, although it does need re-applying every 3-4 hours.

28th July 2020, 16:06
I put lavender oil in a spray bottle with water a spritz my bedding before I sleep and I always have a more restful night. I also pu it into my anxiety candles and it has an immediate calming effect.

8th August 2020, 11:10
I make candles and lavender is always my best seller as it’s lovely to burn in a bathroom or bedroom to relax and calm you

30th August 2020, 16:19
Just the smell of lavender soothes my anxiety instantly, I love this powerful plant :love_heart:

11th October 2020, 08:54
Lavender is such a powerful essential oil and is wonderful to calm and relax your body and mind. I love to light a lavender candle whilst soaking in a hot bath before bed. It guarantees a restful sleep every time.

13th October 2020, 16:29
I was standing next to a lavender bush the other day and it was so beautiful. Not only does it look stunning but it’s aroma instantly makes you feel at peace :love_heart:

13th December 2020, 11:45
A couple of drops of lavender essential oil added to hot water in your bath is so soothing and calms frazzled nerves allowing a restful nights sleep