View Full Version : Sore throat

18th July 2020, 11:37

This is a lovely recipe for soothing a sore throat and simple to make.

3 cloves
5 peppermint leaves, chopped
5 sage leaves, chopped or torn into small pieces
30 mls of Echinacea tincture, or I use 4 echinacea tea bags put into a small glass jug with 50mls of water and leave it to brew for a few hours, then cool.

Place the cloves, peppermint and sage leaves into a glass jar (or add to the cold tea), add the tincture (if using), cover and leave to stand in a cool dark place for two weeks. Gradually the colour will change.

After two weeks strain the liquid through a loose-weaved muslin places in a strainer, squeeze, the liquid and herbs carefully by hand. Filter this liquid into a sterilised dark glass spray bottle. :irish:

18th July 2020, 11:59

This is very simple, but quite a well known sore throat remedy

1 large bunch of sage leaves - tear the leaves into small sizes.
Runny organic Raw honey - enough to cover the sage leaves

Wash and dry the sage leaves ( before tearing) add to a glass bowl and add the honey, warm over a pan of water, allowing the honey to warm, but not bubble, leave like this for 1 hour.

After an hour, take off the heat and allow to completely cool before straining the mixture into a sterile dark glass jar.

Take 1 teaspoon whenever needed to soothe a sore throat.
You can also add to hot lemon water for added cold comfort during your winter cold.

22nd July 2020, 18:29
Definitely a good quality honey to soothe a sore throat and tastes delicious too

23rd July 2020, 06:34
I love the idea of making your own mixtures, there seems to be something very natural about it, in terms of how it makes you feel. Almost like it is part of our blue print!

31st July 2020, 17:07
Honey and whisky, the honey soothes your throat and the whisky helps you relax and sleep better

31st July 2020, 20:19
Whiskey, honey and a drop of warm water :thumb

3rd August 2020, 14:16
Gargling with warm salt water is very good at soothing a sore throat

22nd August 2020, 16:47
Manuka honey, it’s actually endorsed by scientists now :eagerness:

23rd August 2020, 15:10
Warm salt water and honey to soothe and line the throat

15th September 2020, 17:25
Lots of children returning to school and have gone down with sore throats so I have been recommending honey as perfect for kids