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18th July 2020, 06:41
There are no words to describe this article, so I will just share it and see what you think :ykies

Russian scientists and experts from fast food chain KFC plan to develop 3D-printed artificial chicken nuggets. The project is underway, with the final product expected to be ready for testing this fall.

The effort is part of KFC’s concept of creating a “restaurant of the future,” which leverages state-of-the-art technology like 3D bioprinting to overcome solutions in the food industry, including more eco-friendly alternatives to traditional meat.

“At KFC, we are closely monitoring all of the latest trends and innovations and doing our best to keep up with the times by introducing advanced technologies to our restaurant networks,” said Raisa Polyakova, general manager of KFC Russia & CIS.

“Crafted meat products are the next step in the development of our ‘restaurant of the future’ concept. Our experiment in testing 3D bioprinting technology to create chicken products can also help address several looming global problems. We are glad to contribute to its development and are working to make it available to thousands of people in Russia and, if possible, around the world.”

Russian company 3D Bioprinting Solutions, which is well known for its bioprinting-in-space projects, will leverage its technology to create lab-grown chicken meat. The process uses chicken cells and plant material to generate an edible product that closely replicates the taste and texture of chicken meat. KFC will be responsible for breading and spices.

The bioprinted meat will reportedly have the same microelements as traditional chicken meat but eliminate the need for additives that have become a conventional part of animal farming.
:ykies :ykies :ykies :ykies. :ykies

18th July 2020, 07:39
Is this meant to be an ethical approach on their part by not killing thousands of chickens? But is it ethical to make a lab grown meat? What is it doing to our bodies?

18th July 2020, 11:47
Is this meant to be an ethical approach on their part by not killing thousands of chickens? But is it ethical to make a lab grown meat? What is it doing to our bodies?

It seems it’s a new way of sustaining the population with meat products. Currently our world population is about 7 billion give or take, but by 2050, our world population is expected to jump to 9.7 billion. The planet can sustain that level of farming or resources.

So there is a two pronged approach, appear to be feeding the masses, while slowly killing them off with pretend food. This will achieve population control and a tidy income to big Pharma for the sick people it treats while they are alive :sly: ££££

18th July 2020, 14:51
I can’t actually believe what I’m reading! This sound like a toxic cocktail of trouble!:doh

19th July 2020, 05:34
What ever will they think of next? Scientists are being paid to come up with this shit!

23rd July 2020, 17:42
That is unbelievable, is food going to be that scarce in the future that printing it is the only option :ykies

23rd July 2020, 19:04
It seems it’s a new way of sustaining the population with meat products. Currently our world population is about 7 billion give or take, but by 2050, our world population is expected to jump to 9.7 billion. The planet can sustain that level of farming or resources.

So there is a two pronged approach, appear to be feeding the masses, while slowly killing them off with pretend food. This will achieve population control and a tidy income to big Pharma for the sick people it treats while they are alive :sly: ££££
If this is the way forward with meat substitutes and we cannot sustain the current level of farming what are they going to do if everyone becomes vegan or vegetarian surely there will not be enough vegetables to feed everyone? I know farmers and they say that their income comes largely from animals so will we have enough farms to supply vegetables?

22nd August 2020, 16:37
Dear god why do we feel the need to mess around with nature, eat what god provides not a scientist! :distrust:

23rd August 2020, 06:58
If this is the way forward with meat substitutes and we cannot sustain the current level of farming what are they going to do if everyone becomes vegan or vegetarian surely there will not be enough vegetables to feed everyone? I know farmers and they say that their income comes largely from animals so will we have enough farms to supply vegetables?

This is a misconception, at the moment many, many fields are given way to growing food crop to feed farm animals, what a cow or pig can consume in a day, would take a human a week, so there is definitely enough farm land to grow veg to sustain humans. And I don’t think we need to not have meat, but we need to consider that meat should be eaten far less, maybe once a week, this would mean that farm animals could actually have a nicer life, we wouldn’t need to kill so many and we would be healthier as a result.

23rd August 2020, 16:53
This is a misconception, at the moment many, many fields are given way to growing food crop to feed farm animals, what a cow or pig can consume in a day, would take a human a week, so there is definitely enough farm land to grow veg to sustain humans. And I don’t think we need to not have meat, but we need to consider that meat should be eaten far less, maybe once a week, this would mean that farm animals could actually have a nicer life, we wouldn’t need to kill so many and we would be healthier as a result.

How would you stop the farm animals producing babies so they can have a nicer life? They are not pets and they sadly are bred to be eaten. Not all land is suitable for growing crops and animals keep the pasture manageable by eating the grass so a large proportion of their food comes from a that.

31st August 2020, 13:28
What all the fuss about, it says it will be plant based so surely it’s only the same as current meat alternatives like Quorn?