View Full Version : Grapefruit - Citrus Paradisi

10th July 2020, 11:31


Grapefruit originates from the Caribbean and is grown widely in the USA, South America, the Caribbean and Israel. Grapefruit oil is expressed from the peel of the fruit, and can be yellowfins, pale green or orange, with a tangy, zesty, sweet citrus smell.

Key actions:
Energising and uplifting.

Cooling, gently antiseptic qualities treat oily skin, help to open pores and acne. Can help to tone and tighten loose skin.

Gentle abdominal massage will encourage peristalsis and help relieve constipation. Grapefruit helps to stimulate the metabolism of fats and can help to reduce appetite.

When used as a massage oil it supports the liver and aids lymphatic cleansing. Its diuretic properties help to reduce cellulite and fluid retention.

Grapefruit oil is great for treating colds and flu with feverish symptoms; it also helps to loosen mucous and catarrh.

Mind and emotions
This zesty oil helps to lift the spirit; a great pick me up following a hangover, a late night or over indulgence.

See 'Safe Use of Essential Oils (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?525-Safe-Use-of-Essential-Oils)' article

Bath, Massage, Diffusion or Inhalation

Blends well with: Black Pepper (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?523-Black-Pepper-Piper-Nigrum), Bergamot (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?524-Bergamot-Citrus-Bergamia), Cypress (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?913-Cypress-Cupressus-sempervirens), Ginger (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?893-Ginger-Zingiber-Officinale), Jasmine (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?758-Jasmine-Jasmine-offcinale), Lavender (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?602-Lavender-Lavandula-augustifolia) and Neroli (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?759-Neroli-Aurantium-amara)

Safety: Aviod concentrations above 3%. Avoid eyes and broken skin.

16th July 2020, 05:16
I ordered my grapefruit essential oil after reading this at it arrived today. I’m looking forward to seeing how it can benefit my health and more specifically my skin.

23rd July 2020, 19:28
My mum used t9 make me and my sister eat half a grapefruit for breakfast and I remember putting sugar on it about half an inch thick so not sure I had any health benefits from it :jb:

1st August 2020, 16:22
My mum used t9 make me and my sister eat half a grapefruit for breakfast and I remember putting sugar on it about half an inch thick so not sure I had any health benefits from it :jb:

I have to agree with you on this one, I couldn’t eat a grapefruit without a large amount of sugar on the top! This is an essential oil so can be applied to the skin which would smell amazing whilst giving health benefits too

10th September 2020, 06:09
My mum used t9 make me and my sister eat half a grapefruit for breakfast and I remember putting sugar on it about half an inch thick so not sure I had any health benefits from it :jb:


I think any benefits would have been counteracted by all the sugar! I’m surprised your mum allowed you to do that, given her clear attempt at a health conscious approach!

Personally I love the tang of red grapefruit.