View Full Version : Water waste

10th July 2020, 05:50
Today’s news reports on the loss of drinking water by up to 1/5th as a result of failing infrastructure. With Defra (Government) stating they are setting out a £51bn programme to reduce water leakage, cut pollution and back new infrastructure.

This is great news, and certainly not a moment too soon. BUT! Here’s my gripe, aren’t water companies private companies? Why, oh why is the government bailing out more private companies at the expense of the tax payer, only for the tax payer to pay through the nose for these supplies with rising costs, as well as the additional tax burden we will face in the coming future!

Why are private companies not being asked to use their profits to save their companies? Small companies would be expected to, or they would go to the wall, yet it seems that huge companies, just turn to the state to be saved!
If, as a company you can’t manage things, then you fail and someone who can do the job steps up, that’s how it works. Tax payers money is not a never ending pot... or certainly it didn’t appear to be over the last 5 years!

Can I have some seeds from the new money tree please? :ne_nau:

10th July 2020, 08:16
It seems we always have money for private bailouts, but never for government services! Maybe they could mend the water infrastructure while fixing the pot holes!

11th July 2020, 05:39
The tax payer seems to have deep pockets, I dread to see the tax increase burden in the coming years. This money isn’t free!

12th July 2020, 05:11
Water leakage has been an ongoing problem for many years, and it seems the water companies do little to rectify this issue. I don’t know why it falls on the tax payer to sort out faulty systems in a private company. Surely their massive profits should pay for the repairs!

The government should be held accountable for the decisions it makes in spending tax payers money!

17th July 2020, 17:33
Why doesn’t the government take over the utilities?

3rd August 2020, 12:57
I think there are some people who totally disregard the need to preserve our water supplies

3rd August 2020, 20:48
Why doesn’t the government take over the utilities?

I think the Government have enough on their plate, I doubt they could handle anything more... Covid, brexit, financial crises, social unrest and that was the first 8 months of 2020, we are heading into the hardest part of the year now :doh

3rd August 2020, 20:49
I think there are some people who totally disregard the need to preserve our water supplies

Including the water companies!