View Full Version : Book - The Raw Cure - Healing Beyond Medicine.

6th July 2020, 12:43
A great book by Jesse J Jacoby, which talks about how self empowerment, a raw vegan diet, and change of lifestyle can free us from sickness and disease.

http://www.organicallypure.co.uk/images/articles/therawcure.jpg (https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=the+raw+cure)

This book has something for everyone with a keen interest in health and well-being. Jesse highlights the strong link between nutrition and disease through the use of medical studies and scientific research. Jesse advocates a holistic approach to life, his book is designed to educate the reader on how to bypass prescription drugs, and reach an optimal level of health through a natural, plant based diet. He believes that a change in diet and a change in lifestyle could strengthen the natural defence mechanisms in your body to the point it will heal itself.
A solid read for anyone interested in health, it is packed full of information and is good value reference guide.

8th July 2020, 07:05
I notice you display this book on the left, what is it about this book that interests you so much?

8th July 2020, 14:22
Hi Deena, good question, It was one of the first books I read and Jesse has a brilliant way of writing that makes you feel he is talking directly to you. His writing style is easy and just flows and made me realise that this was right. You know in your heart when someone is speaking the truth, his passion and belief comes through each page. I knew what he was saying was right and this was food and eating should be about.

9th July 2020, 20:13
I have read this book and I agree, the writing makes it very easy to read. Some books can be heavy and hard to absorb what the point is, but this is not one of those.

2nd August 2020, 18:49
I think you have to be a very strong willed person to stick to a raw food diet