View Full Version : Book - Deliciously Ella with friends

6th July 2020, 12:31
This is my go to recipe book, before this book I hated cooking and really struggled to get home made food to taste, well...errr...tasty.
I had a fear of spices and generally a fear of cooking. After trying a few recipes in the book I found there was no going back, I love the varied recipes, the tastes are exceptional and they are a real pleasure to make. I have actually started to love cooking!
I recommend this book to just about everyone I know, and some I don't. Following on from this book I purchased every book in her range, although I have to admit, I think this is her best book by far.

What the book says:

'Nothing beats sharing a delicious meal with wonderful people. This book is all about beautiful, nourishing dishes that you can cook and share with your friends and family, whatever the occasion and whoever is at your table. It has over 100 delicious plant-based recipes that will make each event special; whether that's a lazy weekend brunch , a quick weekly supper, a big Indian-themed feast or a birthday celebration. I know you're gong to love making them and enjoying them together'.

Please click on the image to be re-directed to Amazon UK where you can find out more and purchase the book.

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Mq7GJlWfL._SX364_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Deliciously-Ella-Friends-Healthy-Together/dp/1473619513/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1501533178&sr=1-3&keywords=deliciously+ella+with+friends)

30th July 2020, 16:24
This looks like a good al round book with a bit of everything to suit all palates. I would like to make more plant based dishes and struggle to find good recipe ideas so this is a Sri it’s buy for me. Thank you for sharing

1st August 2020, 19:19
I have this book and highly recommend it

7th August 2020, 16:50
Any favourite recipes in this book?

23rd August 2020, 15:47
I have noticed so many of her products in supermarkets she is very successful now isn’t she

27th August 2020, 12:41
Any favourite recipes in this book?

Curried Veg are a personal favourite from this book, it uses a lot of spices, but it makes loads for freezing too.

27th August 2020, 12:45
I have noticed so many of her products in supermarkets she is very successful now isn’t she

absolutely, and I am a huge fan, I don't usually read autobiographies, I find people have done nothing yet want to write about it just to sell a book. However, Ella has and does continue to work hard at their (hubby is involved too) business, and she has shown what self belief and hard work can do.

27th August 2020, 12:46
Any favourite recipes in this book?

I love 95% of the recipes in this book, but a firm favourite is Aloo Gobi

24th September 2020, 19:14
This is my favourite cook book at the moment, move over Jamie Oliver there’s a new chef in town!

9th December 2020, 21:15
I am also a fan of Deliciously Ella. Her first book is my favourite, because the recipes are simpler, though some of the quantities are off. My other favourite cook books are Veg Every Day by Hugh FW, and Eat Green by Melissa Hemsley.

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10th December 2020, 17:00
I do love the simplicity of Ella’s foods and they are bursting with flavour. I’ve not looked at the Eat Green by Melissa Helmsley. Although I don’t need much encouragement to eat my greens,
Ella has an app now too.

12th December 2020, 15:33
I seem to see this woman everywhere these days, she has lots of healthy snacks in supermarkets that are delicious and great for someone like me who is useless at cooking!

6th July 2021, 12:57
She is a firm favourite in my house, the recipes can be complex, but ultimately they are healthy and very tasty. There are so many healthy cookbooks available now, which is amazing as far as choice goes. The only problem with some of them is that the authors seem to live in areas where exotic foods, herbs and spices are readily available.

10th July 2021, 08:06
One of my favourite regular recipes from DE is the vege curry, a very quick and easy recipe, but very delicious. My husband likes to add a tiny sprinkle of salsa powder to give it a boost to the depth of flavour.

10th July 2021, 08:27
I’d love to go to her cafe in London, you get to try some of the more complex dishes from her books.

I do love that you can buy her granolas and I think she does a frozen food range too!, Although I’ve not tried them, let alone seen them in my local supermarket.