View Full Version : Toxic Oil

6th July 2020, 12:18
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Toxic oil
David Gillespie discusses the relationship between processed oils and our health. Despite the suggestion that oils are healthy for you, there is an association between the increasing use of oil in our foods and the increase in various diseases including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Olive oil is better than saturated fats and trans fats in terms of the impact on blood lipids. However, it should be noted that just because something is labelled as being better for you, doesn't mean it is good for you.
All fats promote inflammation, and inflammation leads to chronic diseases and for those of you being mindful of your weight, just two tablespoons of olive oil is a whopping 240 calories.

5th August 2020, 20:24
I’m really shocked by how damaging these everyday oils are, I’ve searched my fridge and cupboards and found many products that include most of these oils :ykies

6th August 2020, 17:51
This is shocking there was a whole campaign at one time that pushed the benefits of olive oil and it was drizzled on top of everything Jamie Oliver made!

6th August 2020, 19:23
Olive oil is meant to halt the ageing process so I believe so I swapped my butter for an olive oil spread because of its antioxidants am I doing the wrong thing then?