View Full Version : Oh Sugar, Sugar!

6th July 2020, 12:15
<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y647tNm8nTI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

This 90 minute hard hitting documentary looks at our relationship to sugar and the effects it is having on weight control.

Obesity is associated with type two diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, reduced quality of life and premature death. In fact 60% of the worlds population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight; and if current trends continue, it is estimated that there will be 2.16 billion individuals classified as overweight and 1.12 billion as obese by 2030.

The World Health Organisation recommends sugar consumption should be limited to 7 teaspoons of sugar a day for an adult. This is reduced further still for children aged 4-6, with 4.5 teaspoons recommended as their daily maximum allowance.

These foods are given as an example of how easy it is to over-consume sugar, Kelloggs Sultana Bran 5.5 tsp per 100g, Kelloggs Special K 3.5 tsp per 100g, Heinz Tomato Ketchup 1 tsp per 15 ml, Danone Activia fat-free strawberry yogurt 3.5 tsp in 125g pot

5th August 2020, 20:28
I noticed this on Green Med Info, it is quite disturbing the link between sugar and cancer and other chronic diseases, yet it continues to be in so many of our foods.


over the hill
10th August 2020, 19:53
I love her reaction at 1:28 to 1: 28:18 :doh

Why is is so hard to choose between the health of your son and chocolate :ne_nau:

11th August 2020, 16:22
I love her reaction at 1:28 to 1: 28:18 :doh

Why is is so hard to choose between the health of your son and chocolate :ne_nau:

That’s shocking! :ykies

Maybe she should lead by example for her family? I just don’t understand the power of food at the risk to your life!