View Full Version : A new beginning

3rd July 2020, 14:05
Although the current world climate does not seem the right time to start anything new, I have decided to restart the forum with a few changes.

Following a period of time-out for a little life reflection, I feel it really is the right time to return, the world seems to need to heal now more than ever. Our climate is changing, our animals are becoming more endangered and the worlds population seems more unsettled than ever.
our recent lockdown has highlighted some very stark truths, we need to return to a more simple life, a more understanding and united world.

The phrase ‘we are in this together’ has been repeatedly said in reference to the lockdown as a result of the health pandemic. However, I think the phrase should be used as a reminder of how we all share this planet, and how our lives are interconnected to one another, entwined in a cohabitating co-existence that relies so heavily on the survival of each other for our own success.

As a result, while the world seems in turmoil, I do feel it is the right time to reunite like minded people and start to rebuild a community of love, cohesion, and to promote a planet friendly way of cohabitating with all of this planets species. https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forumtest/images/smilies/love_heart.png

4th July 2020, 06:23
Welcome back! :banana:

I have missed the opportunity to chat on the forum, especially during the lockdown. I think you are right about the world needing to come together, it feels like that we are more divided than ever. What happened!

It’s been a crazy year so far, but being in lockdown has given me a chance even to unwind and de-stress and Help me realise must how stressed out I have been.

4th July 2020, 06:30
It’s back! :jb:

I’m glad you returned the forum after a period of life reflection, sometimes it is important to take time out. Welcome back Organically Pure!

4th July 2020, 09:00
So glad the forum has returned. :jb:

4th July 2020, 11:06
Welcome back Organically Pure, I am interested to see the changes you make over the coming weeks. :popcorn

5th July 2020, 06:46
It’s great to see Organically Pure return :irish:

10th July 2020, 08:31
Hey! :applouse: great to be back :irish: good luck with the new look site, it looks fresh