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21st November 2018, 05:40
Hey guys Ive heard a lot about the detoxing benefits of carotenoids however have also heard they can be detramental to the thyroid... As a bodybuilder and homosapien I need my thyroid so how true is this and would a generally healthy person need to worry about it? I eat A LOT of cruciferous vegetables

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21st November 2018, 07:14
I very much doubt that the amount you consume is detrimental to your health. Often research that discovers such things would require you to eat quantities that humans just simply would not consume in a day.

Also, would there be a difference if you ate them raw or cooked? What do you class as ‘a lot’?

21st November 2018, 07:58
I very much doubt that the amount you consume is detrimental to your health. Often research that discovers such things would require you to eat quantities that humans just simply would not consume in a day.

Also, would there be a difference if you ate them raw or cooked? What do you class as ‘a lot’?I would think so too its seem a bit unjustifiable considering.
I tend to blitz my veges then pan fry them (without oil/butter etc.) a small amount of time to semi cook them and remove some moisture then add the mix to beaten eggs and make a omelet type dish. They tend to be om the rawer side.
When i was doing keto, each day i would eat 5 brussel sprouts, 2 or 3 big stalks of kale, 200grams of raw spinach (not in omelet mix), 2-300grams each of cauli and brocolli, 4 stalks roughly 15-20cm long asparagus.
At the moment I still probably eat 70-80% of that.

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22nd November 2018, 14:13
That doesn’t seem a lot to me, if I’m being honest.

22nd November 2018, 14:29
The studies all refer to ‘high amounts’ or ‘very high amounts’ but fail to be specific of what this amounts to. The research is also very inconclusive, very few studies refer to humans, and generally refer to animals. The human studies have suggested a slight increased risk of thyroid cancer in areas of low iodine. However, they are quick to point out that it is difficult to imply a direct causal link.

For me, what I find disconcerting is the failure to clarify the quantities that require consuming.

22nd November 2018, 20:06
That doesn’t seem a lot to me, if I’m being honest.Lol fair enough just seems like shitloads compared to how much i used to eat. I wouldve thought id be fine considering I eat plant and meat rather than being vegetarian or vegan. Just a bit paranoid like I said I like to have a healthy thyroid as a bodybuilder. I also take a DIM supplement too forgot to mention but that is only a 1/4 of the maximum dose coz im a tightass haha

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22nd November 2018, 21:05
If you’re concerned swap your veg round, so you have breaks in between.

22nd November 2018, 21:13
Have you had any effects that should make you concerned? The problem with research is that one day the potato is a superfood, and the next it is the root of all evil. It is so difficult to get the real answers.

18th August 2020, 14:55
Hey guys Ive heard a lot about the detoxing benefits of carotenoids however have also heard they can be detramental to the thyroid... As a bodybuilder and homosapien I need my thyroid so how true is this and would a generally healthy person need to worry about it? I eat A LOT of cruciferous vegetables

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I don’t mean to be rude but what on Earth are you talking about? I’m going to Google this as I am obviously out of touch! I hope you find someone to help you that has a few more brain cells than me :jb: