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17th November 2018, 06:33
I suffer from a condition known as social anxiety. It is slightly different in the sense that my anxiety is triggered by meeting people or going to areas where there will be a lot of people.
I don’t make new friends, I shy away from situations where I may meet new people or be left to speak to people and even going shopping is a mental trauma for me.
I get palpitations, sweat, stress, I shake, I feel facial flushing, my muscle become all tense and I just want to run away.

Does anyone know of anyway I can overcome this? Please do not recommend Cbd oil. It is not something I wish to use.

5th July 2020, 08:05
Hi Kat, does this remain a problem for you? Have you found a way to overcome your social anxiety?

5th July 2020, 09:07
I have been strongly encouraged to take antidepressants, which is a path I do not wish to follow. Multiple suggestions have been recommended, meditation, yoga, visualisation, herbal remedies, etc, all with some minor benefit, but I feel that it just masks the problem, I would rather overcome it, rather than learn to live with it.

5th July 2020, 15:18
Have you always felt like this, or did you have a trigger?

8th July 2020, 07:39
I can’t sayI always felt like this, or had a trigger, it possibly started when I was a teenager, feeling shy and seem to manifest from there. I have tried cognitive behavioural therapy and it did have some impact, but, I think I’m looking for a cure, a way to completely overcome it.

Gwen Jones
8th July 2020, 14:31
Have you tried any of the Bach flower remedies? Obviously rescue remedy is a great one for acute problems, but there are many other blends that can help you overcome your anxiety and not just be a sticking plaster. Search out a practitioner.

13th July 2020, 09:01
Have you read the latest book by Sarah Wilson (https://www.sarahwilson.com/books/) about anxiety and how to look at it from a different perspective? You can pick it up from Amazon uk (https://www.amazon.co.uk/First-Make-Beast-Beautiful-conversation/dp/0552175021/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Sarah+Wilson&qid=1594630610&sr=8-1)

139 (https://www.amazon.co.uk/First-Make-Beast-Beautiful-conversation/dp/0552175021/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Sarah+Wilson&qid=1594630610&sr=8-1)

15th July 2020, 19:34
Sarah Wilson suffers from anxiety, so the book is from a fellow sufferer. Have you tried rescue remedy? It’s very good for such occasions.

25th July 2020, 15:51
My daughter has been diagnosed with social anxiety and she suffers dreadfully with panic attacks when she does go out. She is physically sick and has to build up an immense amount of courage just to go to the local shop. I wish there was a treatment that is more specific to this condition but the doctors just prescribe anti depressants. I have heard that cognitive behavioural therapy is good but they want you to go to group sessions which is no good when you suffer from social anxiety!

27th August 2020, 10:07
The essential oils, Lavender, (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?602-Lavender-Lavandula-augustifolia) Patchouli, Palmarosa and Cardamon (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?522-Cardamom-Eletteria-Cardamomum) are some of the many essential oils that can help ease anxiety and stress. People often underestimate the power smell, but if you think about it, smell can evoke good and bad memories and as a result produce a chemical response in our body.