View Full Version : The decline of the population

11th November 2018, 15:37
I was fascinated to read that nearly half of the countries in the world had a declining population in terms of the number of children women are having. The surprising statistic would eventually have profound consequences in the future with there being a larger elderly population than there are younger generation.

In the UK birth rate per woman is 1.7, compared to Niger, West Africa at a whopping 7.1:eek

The study suggests that more economically developed countries have lower fertility rates, they think this may be due to fewer deaths in children, improved access to contraception and more women in education and work.

The report goes on to suggest that migration is needed to increase the populations and potential ageing disparities. There is even a suggestion of rethinking the working age, suggesting that the current 67 will become unsustainable.:apologetic:

11th November 2018, 16:23
Do you think that women are holding off having children until they are older, and then finding that their chance of conceiving is diminished?

11th November 2018, 16:31
I saw this, here are the graphics from the article

107. 108

it is a shame that the suggestion for a solution is immigration or/and making people work longer.

14th November 2018, 12:54
I think there is a need for a decline in the worlds population, I fear for the future of the human race.
There will always be a cross-over period when things get a bit bumpy, but the alternative of a continuing growing population does not bear thinking about.

15th November 2018, 16:21
I think there is a need for a decline in the worlds population, I fear for the future of the human race.
There will always be a cross-over period when things get a bit bumpy, but the alternative of a continuing growing population does not bear thinking about.

I would agree with the need to rethink our ever growing population, or to have a seismic shift in the way we think about living on this planet.

25th November 2018, 07:41
I read there has been an increase from 10% to 18% in childless couples. I think the reasons for the decline are many and I also think that these figures will climb considerably over the coming years.

People are choosing to have children later in life, but the problems of conceiving are more pronounced. People don’t want to bring children in society as it is today. People can’t afford children, young adults are still living with their parents while they save for a house, the burden of having a family is often one they will not commit to. I think the hormones that are floating around in our foods are contributing to a nation that is becoming increasing infertile.