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3rd November 2018, 06:40
My parents are asking me if they should have the flu jab and I’m stumped as to which answer to give them.

There is so much conflicting information out there. I’m not sure what to suggest. Any suggestions?

3rd November 2018, 06:43
I would not have the responsibility of the answer on me, I would tell them that they have to do what they feel happy doing. Surely the fact they are asking suggests they are not entirely comfortable with having it!

4th November 2018, 05:38
I have heard that the flu jab is made in advance before the flu changes it’s strain (if that makes sense), therefore the jab you get may not cover the latest strain.

8th November 2018, 07:47
I really think it is down to the individuals choice. What is right for some is not right for others.

I think this whole Vaxxed concept has got people twitchy about having injections.