View Full Version : Acupressure

2nd November 2018, 10:44
Acupressure is an alternative to acupuncture, the theory is the same, but without the discomfort that needles often give.

Acupressure is based on the concept of life energy (also known as Chi or Qi), which flows through the body along pathways known as meridians. The belief is that many of the discomforts or even diseases that we suffer with are a result of blockages occurring in these meridians, causing a negative effect to the flow of our life energy. Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique that identifies specific points on the body (known as acupoints) where the flow of our life force is being hindered and, rather than using needles as acupuncture does, uses precise finger placement to apply pressure to these areas to unblock the pathway, freeing up the flow of life force and relieving symptoms.

It is particularly effective for stress-related ailments and preventative health care for boosting the immune system. It releases tension, increases circulation, reduces pain, and develops spirituality.

It is another opportunity to experience alternative therapies and how they can help you in regaining or maintaining your health. I just thought I would share alternative options to acupuncture with similar concepts.

4th November 2018, 05:44
This is a fascinating concept, so by pressing certain areas on our body we can release blockages of energy? Making us better?

22nd July 2020, 17:52
Does this hurt? I’ve been told you don’t feel the needles but I have a fear of them so wondered if it’s true. Does it treat insomnia?

26th July 2020, 17:12
Does this hurt? I’ve been told you don’t feel the needles but I have a fear of them so wondered if it’s true. Does it treat insomnia?

To treat insomnia:
Locate the highest point on your ankle.
Count four finger widths up your leg, above your ankle.
Apply deep pressure slightly behind your biggest lower-leg bone (tibia), massaging with circular or up-and-down motions for four to five seconds.

6th January 2024, 11:19
It may be beneficial to use a quartz crystal wrapped with copper wire and held in hand and pointed on acupoints, this may magnify the benefits of the acupressure.