View Full Version : Is this normal?

30th April 2018, 05:56
I have been practising meditation for a short time now, because it was trendy and so not wanting to miss out, I jumped on the band wagon.

It took me a while to get into it, quieten the mind and fully relax, but now I have, I’ve noticed my limbs move, completely uncontrolled by me. I can of course forcibly stop them, but if I remain relaxed they just do their own thing.

Has anyone experienced this?

4th May 2018, 08:28
I have, in a small way. I felt my arm being tugged and it moved slightly. It scared me, so I googled it (that god for google), and there were various suggestions. A common theme said this was Your Kundalini awakening.

Don’t ask me what that means. :ne_nau:

16th August 2018, 23:14
Well, Kundalini awakening is some kind of specific energy generating in your body which can resolve your all psyche problems.

2nd November 2018, 07:30
How can it resolve your psyche problems? And what do you mean by psyche?