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View Full Version : The game changers movie

16th February 2018, 08:01
Hi, does anyone know when the new movie The game changers is available to watch? I read that it’s now being screened, but I can’t find info of where and when.

I’ve waited for this film for a while, after watching ‘What the health’, which for me was a real game changer in itself.

16th February 2018, 11:45
Im not sure it is widely available to watch yet, I think it is in advance screenings only.

18th February 2018, 11:41
I’m looking forward to seeing this, the claims are that it will have a similar impact to my that of what the health. Although, I think that the impact is only limited to those like minded people.

Either way, I’m looking forward to the film when it comes available.

5th April 2018, 05:46
I’ve been looking for this movie, I still can’t find it, I hope it’s good after all the hype. I did watch the documentary ‘Unity’ a few weeks back, I found this very interesting and insightful and certainly promotes a meat free lifestyle.

Although these movies tend to approach it through animal welfare, whereas the most successful movies to change trends is the one that put a positive spin on the meat-free lifestyle.

I know that I prefer to watch more positive movies.